Dispatch of our company, according to the Yangtze river business newspaper (reporter Ma Xiujia) on August 30, by the provincial federation of industry and province academy of social sciences by China enterprise confederation joint business newspaper published the third (2013) such as Yangtze river in hubei corporation top list, at the same time release 2013 hubei best growth (10), 2013 private enterprises in hubei province most ju social responsibility of private enterprises (10), and the new 2013 hubei private enterprises (10), the best investment to expand the brand, top 100 private enterprises bring more business the birth of the optimal xiu, this company is one of the best growth companies in the 2013 in hubei province2013湖北最佳成长型民营企业名单
1 随州波导电子有限公司
2 湖北民生生物医药有限公司
3 湖北辉创重型工程有限公司
4 襄阳汇源农林土特产品有限公司
5 湖北石花纺织股份有限公司
6 湖北利达建设工程集团有限公司
7 湖北科普达实业有限公司
8 宜昌市萧氏茶叶集团有限公司
9 湖北正全农业科技开发有限公司
10 两湖绿谷物流股份有限公司